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Dyno Nobel Inc Reviews

Good for blasting agent supply.

Supply Chain/Logistics , Agricultural / Forestry

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Great local service. Discrete delivery means you are not attracting a bunch of attention to you use of explosives.

Strengths: Dyno Nobel is our raw material supplier of blasting agents. We typically use ANFO blasting agents for quarry rock demolition. Dyno Nobel is the descent of the original Alfred Nobel company which developed dynamite. We like ANFO because it is a stable blasting agent, easy to store and simple to use. Dyno Nobel also sells the detonating caps we use to set off the explosives. Typical blasting loads are between 1000 and 2000 lbs of agent. Dyno Nobel supplies at time of bast and we do not typically store more then what we will be using per charge. That makes it more expensive to blast, but we do not have to deal with the security issues related to having a blasting agent lying around.

Needs to improve: You need to have a blasting license, be vetted and established as a customer. Not cheap and super high liability if you screw up.

Quality blasting agents for demolition

Finance/Accounting , Construction

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

My old construction firm used Dyno Nobel blasting agents for demolition. It is extremely vital that blasting agents be reliable and their product delivers on that aspect.

Strengths: Efficient blasting agents

Needs to improve: None