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2727 N San Fernando Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
+1 323-227-4600

All 4 Reviews

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Drive-Rivets for Fastening...

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

I have used Hanson Rivets & supply drive rivets throughout my whole career. They are highly reliable and dependable fasteners for joining two pieces of metal or bracket securely. Hanson Rivet & Supply offers a variety of fasteners; drive-rivets, washers, flush-nuts, jack-nuts, pop-rivets, drive-screws, etc... Hanson Rivet & supply has been around a long time and will continue to use in product design as a solution for fastening devices to one another.

Strengths: - product quality - readily available - wide selection of products - customer service - data sheets - part samples

Needs to improve: none

A Large Selection of Fastening & Joining Supplies

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Customer Service is Helpful - Wide selection - Reliable quality products - Pricing is competitive - Fast turnaround - Accurate quotes

Strengths: Our company order from Hanson Rivets & Supply mainly for their Fastening & Joining products such as, Tools for Riveting, Rivets, and Lock Bolts. A large selection of Joining supplies. Quotes are accurate and price is competitive. Customer service is responsive. Delivery is on time. A good vendor to have as a source for Fastening & Joining products. I would recommend to others.

Needs to improve: None

Reliable vendor with quality products!

Purchasing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Very dependable supplier of lock bolts that we use in a few of our medical devices we manufacture. These are good quality and always reliable lock bolts. NEver do we have any issues with these. The customer service group really makes it easy to process requests.

Strengths: Good quality lock bolts and reliable customer services

Needs to improve: None

Good rivets

Manufacturing , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

We use there rivets spacers and fasteners for work. They always work good and never have any problems. Good company to order rivets from.

Strengths: Durable sturdy reliable quality

Needs to improve: None