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1065 E Hillsdale Blvd
Foster City, CA 94404
+1 650-345-9000

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

web security technology beyond endpoint and network security

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 3 / Price 4 / Quality 4

we use Imperva as our vendor to web security. like every business with sensitive information, endpoint and network security is no longer enough so we use Imperva's software as an extra layer of security to keep our virtual and physical data secure and confidential. their software integrates into almost all company networks and their engineers do the installation within a day. they offer extensive training for our staff members and there is on-going training and resources available via their website. once your company has them as a vendor, you have a login to access all of the training, communication with their representatives

Strengths: web security, data center security, cloud security, file security, web application security, small and moderate sized company expertise

Needs to improve: price