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2100 Seaport Blvd
redwood city, CA 94063
+1 650-385-5000

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operating system software

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 3 / Price 2 / Quality 4

we used this local developer for our initial business integration software. we use their ILM software for data archiving only. we used their software for roughly 5 years and we are currently not using it anymore. the software did the job, it streamlined our archiving process. they have a bi-yearly upgrade of their software and with every upgrade, there was always an associated downtime with our service and application. while they were able to send a technician to our site to fix the issue (given we were close to their facility) it was an inconvenience to our staff and workload. the main reason why we chose to switch our software to our current one is due to the price. they do not have a monthly fee but rather charge a heft general fee ranging from 50k+ depending on what software you purchase. their software is compatible with Microsoft windows, linux, and IBM. other than the pricing, they do offer quality software but there are many other companies that offer comparable services for much more affordable fees

Strengths: the company has multiple software available for business integration, easy to install, great technical help, local business

Needs to improve: software is very expensive