Photocopying And Duplicating Services

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1967 Market St
San Francisco, CA 94103
+1 415-252-0864

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

Flexible contracts

IT , Architectural And Engineering

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Their service is always reliable and meets my departments shipping needs. The staff is always top notch.

Strengths: Our architectural department and my IT staff work directly with this vendor for custom shipping. I worked directly with this franchisee to negotiate competitive rates for odd shaped shipping. He was willing to work an annual contract with us. They are flexible and very easy to work with.

Needs to improve: I had to negotiate our contracted rates with each different kinko's franchisee. If the various offfice's are more in synch, the process could be a littler bit simpler.