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8 Crow Canyon Court
Suite 205
San Ramon, CA 94583
+1 650-759-6186

All 3 Reviews

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Use with extreme caution

Quality , Medical Device

Speed 1 / Price 1 / Quality 1

We used Lince consulting to handle the submission for a PMA medical device we were working on. They did provide a resource that was marginally capable of performing the work. Because of their mistakes, our clinicals were delayed many times. They also like to recycle documents between clients. On one occassion, their consultant actually gave us risk documents that were created fo antoher client to use as a template and they were actually a potential competitor. If we were getting their documents, who was seeing our documents? Additinally, we got the feeling that they were nicke and diming us all the time. They even billed us hours to fix their own mistakes.

Strengths: Lince Consulting can provide services in the areas of Regualtory Affairs and Quality Assurance. They can handle submissions for Class I, II, and III medical devices as well as develop and implement quality systems.

Needs to improve: They are very expensive and have on more than one occasion compromised client confidentiality.


R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 2 / Price 1 / Quality 1

We worked with Lince consultants on a new innovative product. We needed to get to market quickly and efficiently due to time and budgetary constraints. I was not impressed at all by their services. The regulatory path that they recommended was not typical of what I was accustomed to.

They also provided Quality services that at times seemed strange and unprofessional. I am not sure but we were provided document templates that seemed to be used by other customers.

I was glad that we decided to go another route and switch to a different counsulting agency.

Strengths: offers cunsulting services in Regulatory, Clinical and Quality

Needs to improve: Could improve providing more value for services

Local consulting firm with extensive knowledge in its field

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 3 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Lince is a small consulting firm in the bay area which our company has worked with a few times in the past. as mentioned before, due to their smaller size in comparison to the other bigger, major firms, they have a much smaller manpower. This means they may have a few consultants which you may be working with in various aspects of your trail rather than having consultants that specialize in a specific phase. However, this did not impeded the work this company did on our trial. they have an extensive knowledge in this field and their knowledge in working with the FDA and other regulatory agencies whether it is local, domestic, or international is noteworthy. our experience has be fairly positive with Lince. our project deadlines were met and their fees are reasonable. the price quote they gave us during all our encounters were quite accurate.

Strengths: company has extensive and thorough knowledge with FDA regulations and other domestic as well as international regulatory agencies, creative strategy developmental skill set, experience in various departments, fast service to approval assistance

Needs to improve: smaller firm when compared to the bigger names in the industry thus the manpower is lacking