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1295 State Street
Springfield, MA 01111-0001
+1 866-306-6472

All 2 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

401K partner

Manufacturing , Financial Services

Speed 2 / Price 3 / Quality 2


Strengths: Offers great retirement plans.

Needs to improve: Difficult to reach representatives to help address issues. I have had questions in the past, and they still have not addressed. At few times, representative provided me a misleading information. Staff not well-trained to address customer's questions.

Take a closer look

Operations , Consulting

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 3

We get approached by MassMutual reps frequently for presentations on financial advising platforms for our firm. They were persistent in their follow up and while we didn't eventually contract their firm, we were impressed with their customer service and analysis. While it may not fit our firm's vision, we can see how they could offer financial value to others.

Strengths: persistence, customer service, followup

Needs to improve: reliability