All 2 Reviews

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Reviewer Job Function

Exceptional customer service and high quality equipment

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 5

We used Newport to purchase an isolation table for a piece of lab equipment. The technical sales engineer I spoke with was extremely helpful. He offered his advice on what system would be appropriate for our uses, and answered every question I had about the equipment thoroughly and promptly. The purchasing process was extremely smooth as well, and the isolation table arrived quickly. Overall, Newport provides exceptional customer service and high quality products.

Strengths: knowledgeable and prompt customer service, wide range of products, high quality products

Needs to improve: none

Best opto-mechanic supplier on the planet

General Administrative , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Used pretty much every optical mount, table, laser, lens, filter, mount, etc. that they sell. Very high quality. They have everything any optical and laser research laboratory/manufacturing environment needs.

Strengths: World leader in opto-mechanics - lens, mounts, slides, lasers, vibration isolation optical tables...

Needs to improve: None