Local Trucking With Storage

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Contact Information

4020 Nelson Ave Ste 200
Concord, CA 94520
+1 408-254-5010

All 4 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

quality movers

Operations , Consulting

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We contracted Office Movers for the relocation of one our offices and the process went smoothly. Despite a number of bulky machines and heavy pieces of furniture, they had us operating in a new satellite office in no time. Customer service was great and all of their staffers were extremely efficient. We shopped around for a bit and were very happy with our decision. Will gladly refer.

Strengths: Customer service, turn around time and pricing

Needs to improve: none

Moving company

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Check for prices with our professional movers.

Strengths: I have used this company for inter-city transferred of our company. Worked very well and with team with no nudging. Very professional in their communication and work ethics.

Needs to improve: None

Office movers

R & D / Engineering , Consumer Products

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

They were careful with our equipment, and fast.

Strengths: Ship your office to another location. Movers. Good work ethic.

Needs to improve: None to report.

Local movers

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Exceptional customer service.

Strengths: Great customer service.

Needs to improve: None