Contact Information

119 Graham Place
Burbank, CA 91502
+1 818-848-1648

All 2 Reviews

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very creative design team for displays

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 4 / Price 2 / Quality 4

we used origin for a display we have in our office. we sent our ideas to their design team. our ideas were very raw and they worked with us for a bout 2 months in making the final product. their design team is very creative and can make something from a very rough idea. their displays are eloquent, powerful, colorful, and they are very customized. they can be a bit pricey compared to other design companies

Strengths: very innovative and creative design team, talented designers, custom products/displays, great use of color and material

Needs to improve: can be pricey

Great Quality Displays

Operations , Retail

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Our company works with origin to procure corrugated displays for retailers across the US. They provide strong and sturdy corrugate displays for our product to be displayed at retail stores. Origin is very timely with renderings, building instructions and delivery requirements for our displays. They provide creative expertise when dealing with more appealing and fun displays for consumers as well.

Strengths: Excellent Renderings. Awesome corrugate prototypes.

Needs to improve: none