Management Consulting Services

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51 JFK Parkway
4th Floor
Short Hills, NJ 07078
+1 800-434-5808

All 1 Reviews

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regulatory consulting with expertise specifically in the healthcare industry

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 4

we reached out to PLC for their regulatory consulting services. we outsourced that section of our company to their expertise. one of the mainly reason we chose them is because they only specialize in healthcare so their team is very focused and knowledgeable about this industry rather than having diluted expertise. they provided us with market intelligence that matched our regulatory needs exactly. all the services they provide is real-time and they provide support either in your office or at their facility. they are very flexible and are able to take on very small to much more complicated cases. we have continued to outsource our regulatory needs to PLC.

Strengths: available for outsourcing, regulatory affairs, specializes only in healthcare industries so they are sector focused

Needs to improve: none