Machine Tool Accessories

Services Provided

Contact Information

301 Armstrong Boulevard North
St James, MN 56081
+1 507-375-3211

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

Highly Precision Inspection Machine

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 4

Beside the frustration with the technical support, the machine functioned as expected. Pricing is competitive.

Strengths: We purchased the 16" Optical Comparator for our incoming inspection department to test and calibrate our fixtures and jigs. After reviewing the Certification we had a few questions with the manufacturing accuracy of the machine. Called customer support and was transferred to their technical staff. After speaking with their technical staff and 3 Email's we finally got the clarification we were asking for. Very Frustrating. Order was placed accurately and delivery was on Time.

Needs to improve: Technical Support could be better.