Contact Information

404 N Wiget Ln
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
+1 925-988-9600

All 2 Reviews

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Great for water testing

Supply Chain/Logistics , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Great local testing company

Strengths: Sequoia Analytical maintains an account with our company to verify drinking water safety at all potable water sources which are not derived from commercially supplied systems. We maintain over 30+ well and spring sources of water and need to have Sequoia Analytical test these sources for dangerous and disease causing micro-organisms which pass through our treatment process. They have been extremely responsive to our needs and they provide rapid assessment and results to our samples. Our contract with Sequoia Analytical goes back to over 20 years.

Needs to improve: We need to deliver the samples to the lab. But this is a cost savings for us, as if they did the sampling, the cost would be significantly more expensive.

Quality testing facilities

Operations , Consulting

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We contracted Sequoia as a referral that specialized in water testing. We were impressed by their professionalism and expertise. Their customer service kept us informed while their management team offered a lot of industry insight. Findings were reliable and accurate as that is all we care about. They even took the time to offer potential solutions going forward. Great team behind the testing facilities.

Strengths: analysis, expertise, customer service, turnaround

Needs to improve: none