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3125 Rocky Mountain Dr
Plano , TX 75025
+1 972-712-7171

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Great Way To Ensure Customer Service

Customer Service , Automotive

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 4

Who's Calling is a great way to ensure that all calls are being handled professionally and accurately. It helps that the system picks calls at random to record. That way, when listening to the recorded calls, you can not only make sure your customers are happy, but you can make sure your employees are acting professionally at all times. When using Who's Calling, I found that sometimes the questions you must answer when monitoring calls really don't make too much sense in the situation. I find myself clicking "N/A" for most of my calls. Other than that, Who's Calling is a great feature to have in your office to ensure your customers are receiving nothing but the best customer service.

Strengths: Who's Calling makes it easy to dedicate some time to providing excellent customer service to anyone who contacts your employer through the phone.

Needs to improve: when using the computer to moniter the calls, the system prompts you to answer several questions that generally don't even pertain to the conversation at hand.