Pharmaceutical Preparations

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2910 7th St # 100
Berkeley, CA 94710
+1 510-204-7200

All 2 Reviews

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Reviewer Job Function

innovative human monoclonal antibody pipeline products

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Xoma has some great products in the pipeline especially in the human monoclonal antibodies. we have recently started with working the regional representative for Xoma who has come to our facility to educate my staff about their products and give us informational resources. this company is very innovative with pipeline products for disease states that currently do not have much treatment for. me and my employees look forward to our continued relationship with our sales rep to bring their products to our clinics. their sales reps are very knowledge, responsive, and forward-thinking.

Strengths: unique therapeutics, world class expertise, innovative products, great pipeline of products

Needs to improve: none

innovative leadership

Clinical , Consulting

Speed 3 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Consultant, sales

Strengths: Inspired leadership

Needs to improve: work in only very specific areas