Unsupported Plastics Film And Sheet

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Contact Information

5235 W Coplay Rd
Whitehall, PA 18052
+1 610-261-2100

All 2 Reviews

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Great Products

Customer Service , Consumer Products

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 5

Computer Design Inc has been a great company for us to partner with. We originally reached out to them when we needed plastic trays design for one of our product lines, but learned in the process about their design and tool manufacturing. The steps they take from design, QA, tooling, production and process control ensures that the finished product has exceptional quality and is something we will be confident in. Overall a great company to work with.

Strengths: Thermoforming and tool design and manufacturing

Needs to improve: None

Also great for tooling

Manufacturing , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 3 / Quality 5

Although more known for their thermoforming, we use computer designs inc for our tooling purposes. They use high tech machines to make tools for us so we can use our own proprietary components to create a more contained product. We like to have everything done in house to create consistency and quality service from start to finish and then maintenance.

Strengths: cnc machining

Needs to improve: pricing