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5 Third Street
Suite #314
San Francisco, CA 94103
+1 415-543-3460

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4 Community Reviews 4.25/5 Overall Rating

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Corporate Security Service, Inc. Reviews

Quality security

Operations , Consulting

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

We contracted CSS as we felt we needed to up our security presence given our expensive machinery. So far so good as we haven't encountered any issues to date. No problems means they're getting the job done and as such, we'll continue our contract. Customer service is easy to reach and they're able to accommodate all of our requests. Solid firm.

Strengths: reliable, customer service, quality system, expert team

Needs to improve: none

We're Watching You

Operations , Telecommunications

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 4

We had a few issues in the past and felt that we needed security. Since then we haven't run into any of the same problems. It seems to be working and can't say anything bad about that.

Strengths: Reliable, secure, trustworthy,

Needs to improve: Customer service was a bit iffy at some points

Safe security systems!

Clinical , Retail

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 4

Durable,trustworthy security system that we have alot of confidence in. Great customer service, quick responses, accurate prices, and competitive prices. A great company, satisfaction guaranteed!

Strengths: Great security system, secure,reliable,and trustworthy. A good alarm system, reasonable fees, quick responses..

Needs to improve: None


R & D / Engineering , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 4

We have used CSS for a few matters we've had at our company with theft. It seems to thwart it, at least for a while.

Strengths: Quick response. Clear presence.

Needs to improve: You get what you pay for.