All 2 Reviews

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High Quality Print Products

Operations , Retail

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Our company has worked with Fleetwood-Fibre for years now, I have worked with them for about 3. Fleetwood-Fibre prints signage for our displays at various retail stores across the US. We have varying signage per accounts and promotions and Fleetwood-Fibre is always able to execute without flaw. If our sales team has some crazy idea for a new shape or size or type of signage, Fleetwood will come prepared and pitch ideas and renderings from the various departments within their office. They will consult their engineering team to ensure our product is durable and printed as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. They have also offered employees at our company to visit their facilities to learn more about the printing side of the business. We really enjoy working with them and hope to continue our relationship with them.

Strengths: Great customer service. Excellent turn-around time. Great printing quality.

Needs to improve: none

Use them if you want to go the extra mile

Manufacturing , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Fleetwood-fibre created our packaging for our consumer product. The package looks amazing and I'm sure helped us sell a lot of items. The quality and creativity of their work is top notch. They were very easy to work with and listened to us. Somehow they managed to put our rambled thoughts on looks into a design that was coherent. Great people to work with.

Strengths: Design and packaging.

Needs to improve: none