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661 route 3 unit c
plattsburgh , NY 12901
+1 800-932-1039

All 2 Reviews

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our primary vendor for pharmaceutical chemicals

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 4

we order directly from medisca for our pharmaceutical compounding supplies. while we do have other smaller vendors, our primary vendor is medisca due to their pricing which is very competitive as well as the availability of products. you are able to order either by drug/chemical name or reference the NDC when of the drug. most of their products come in a few sizes. one issue we have had with other manufactures is the short expiration date given that when we make compounds, only a very small amount of the actual chemical is needed. we have never had this issue with medisca as most of our expiration dates exceeds 2 years from purchase. their delivery usually takes a few business days and is never however next day service

Strengths: batch orders or individual orders, customer service, turnaround time.

Needs to improve: none

pharmaceutical chemicals

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 4

my pharmacy does compounding and we get our rare chemicals/pharmaceuticals from medisca as much as possible because they have the best rate and a large product range. we use our computer system to see what products we need and what vendors house those items and we usually always order from medisca. their products do not delivery the next day no matter how early you put the order in. it does take a few business days which is the only downside. other than the, the customer service is good, prices are good.

Strengths: huge volume of products

Needs to improve: none