Electrical Apparatus And Equipment

Contact Information

8044 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45236
+1 513-792-2766

All 2 Reviews

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Industry leader

IT , Architectural And Engineering

Speed 3 / Price 2 / Quality 4

There were some confusion between RSA and our system admins about who were responsible for fixing the mobile app issue we had with our smartphones. They could have taken ownership of the problem earlier on and head on.

Strengths: All our executives require a way to remote into our networks. After exploring several vendors for two factor authentication implementation, I chose RSA. Some strength so far since we implemented the infrastructure:
* excellent training department for our system admins
* quality security keyfobs and pin card

Needs to improve: None so far. The vendor catered to our every needs and our project came out successful.

computer access security tag

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 5

we use RSA specifically for their security/authentication log on to work laptops and company networks. our employees are given laptops in case they need to access the network out of the office or on an on-site project and we use their keychain security to allow them access. the device is good quality, you are able to easily change the pin/security code, restart the pin, etc. our employees have never had issues using the device and we will continue to order from RSA

Strengths: authentication, data protection, fraud prevention, identity and access management, SIEM

Needs to improve: none