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2001 S Kilbourn Ave
Chicago, IL 60623
+1 773-277-1600

All 2 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

Good choice for electropolishing

Finance/Accounting , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 1 / Quality 4

My start up uses Able to EP and Passivate some of our medical devices. They do high quality work with very short lead times. The results have been very consistent in terms of quality. Only downside is that they are very expensive, because you need to pay up for the quality. Overall we were quite satisfied.

Strengths: Industry expertise, short lead times, high quality results

Needs to improve: Expensive

EP and Passivation services

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

We used Able to EP and Passivate some of our surgical instruments. They were able to work with our other suppliers and coordinated drop shipments so that we would get our instruments EPd and passivated in the end. Helpful customer service.

Strengths: Electropolishing and passivation services

Needs to improve: None