Valves made in the USA

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701 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd
Matthews , NC 28105
+1 843-672-1644

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Nearly all Apollo® valves are produced in U.S. facilities that are second to none in the industry, including ISO-registered, state-of-the-art foundries and manufacturing facilities in Pageland and Conway, S.C. The company's headquarters is located in Matthews, N.C.

"Some of our competitors claim to be domestic while they are really sourcing most of their products from the Far East", said Glenn Mosack. "We actually manufacture 95 to 98% of all the components in our valves in our own plants in the Carolinas, right down to the yellow handles!"

Investments in manufacturing, quality control and distribution have surpassed $100 million in the past 10 years alone. Employing "lean manufacturing" practices in U.S. plants allows the company to improve deliveries, control costs and provide better customer service.