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Millipore offers high quality service; just don't expect it to be cheap or fast

R & D / Engineering , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 5

EMD Millipore has good customer service and delivers a high quality end product. I just wish they didn't have such long lead times.

Strengths: -responsive; the coordinators I have worked with are usually pretty good about responding to my e-mails quickly
-high quality product; they are experts in filtration validation and understand regulatory requirements
-friendly; the customer service is friendly

Needs to improve: -communication; I would like it if they kept me updated about the progress for different studies rather than me needing to regularly ping them about updates -speed; I think that maybe they have been extremely busy lately, but the time it takes from start to finish for validation testing is very long (close to half a year) -pricing; they are a bit expensive, but it is worth it for the assurance that they are experts in their field and know what they're doing

One stop shop for testing equipment and solutions

Finance/Accounting , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

My start up uses EMD Millipore for their water filtration solutions for our lab testing. They possess a high quality system with great level of client service. The sales reps are extremely helpful and able to address our most unique of requests. We are very satisfied with the filtration systems, they are reliable and durable. In addition, they exhibit a wide variety of other lab solutions, from supplying chemicals for R&D testing all the way to bio monitoring. One stop shop for testing solutions.

Strengths: Reliable product, great customer service, on time delivery

Needs to improve: None

Quality filtration system

Operations , Consulting

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We use EMD Millipore for their water filtration solutions for our lab. Quality system with great level of client care. The reps are extremely helpful and able to address our most specific of requests. We have yet to be disappointed as the filtration systems are extremely reliable. They offer a wide variety of solutions from supplying chemicals for R&D testing all the way to bio monitoring. Great company with a solid team behind their offerings.

Strengths: quality, level of service, and reliability

Needs to improve: none

Expensive and Long Lead Time, but Worth it!

Manufacturing , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 2 / Price 2 / Quality 5

I recently started using EMD’s MilliMark for conjugated antibodies. It’s fairly robust and the antibodies are stable so we’ve been able to design a large assay and not worry about compromising results. This has been positive in reducing sample preparation time and minimizing costs. The ease of detection has not decreased either. I highly recommend trying it out!

Strengths: Flow Cytometry Kits and Reagents

Needs to improve: Long Lead Times, Costly

Very reliable water purification system!

Purchasing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We used this form to develop and implement a lab water purification system. The expertise and thought process for this project was top notch! The end product was a reliable, quality water purification system R&D and other engineers can rely on.

Strengths: Excellent quality service offerings with emphasis on customer service expewrtise

Needs to improve: Nothing, expensive, but you get what you pay for!

Supplier of Chemicals

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Highly recommend this company to others.

Strengths: I have used Millipore when a generic chemical was not in inventory from other companies. The price was quite competitive to other market leaders.

Needs to improve: Millipore does not have good marketing presence. Need to increase their market penetration.